en revistas arbitradas
Estrategias para reducir
el consumo de azúcar
y sodio

Padovan, M., Ares, G., Scapin, T., Kraemer, M.V.d.S., Chaddad, M.C.C., Fernandes, A.C., Bernardo, G.L., Uggioni, P.L., Pettigrew, S. and Proença, R.P.C. (2024). Declaration of free sugars from fruits on food labels: a scoping review. British Food Journal,
Velázquez, A.L., Vidal, L., Antúnez, L., Alcaire, F., Varela, P., Ares, G. (2023). Children’s reaction to sugar reduced dairy desserts in the context of the implementation of nutritional warning labels: An exploratory study. Food Research International, 170, 113001.
Antúnez, L., Marrero, C., Machín, L., Varela, L., Curutchet, M.R., Ares, G. (2022). Mental associations with salt among Uruguayan consumers. Food Quality and Preference, 102, 104684.
Antúnez, L., Vidal, L., Giménez, A., Curutchet, M.R., Ares, G. (2022). Age, time orientation and risk perception are major determinants of discretionary salt usage. Appetite, 171, 105924.
Velázquez, A.L., Galler, M., Vidal, L., Varela, P., Ares, G. (2022). Co-creation of a healthy dairy product with and for children. Food Quality and Preference, 96, 104414.
Ares, G., Deliza, R., Lima, M.F. (2021). Rethinking sugar reduction in processed foods. Current Opinion in Food Science, 40, 58 – 66.
Velázquez, A.L., Vidal, L., Varela, P., Ares, G. (2021). Sugar reduction in products targeted at children: Why are we not there yet? Journal of Sensory Studies, 36, 36, e12666. 10.1111/joss.12666
Velázquez A.L., Vidal L., Alcaire, F., Varela P., Ares G. (2021). Significant sugar-reduction in dairy products targeted at children is possible without affecting hedonic perception. International Dairy Journal, 114, 104937.
Velázquez, A.L., Alcaire, F., Vidal, L., Varela, P., Næs, T., Ares, G. (2021). The influence of label information on the snacks parents choose for their children: Individual differences in a choice based conjoint test. Food Quality and Prererence, 94, 104296.
Antúnez L., Alcaire F., Giménez A., Ares G. (2020). Can sodium warnings modify preferences? A case study with white bread. Food Research International, 134, 109239.
Velázquez A.L., Vidal L., Varela P., Ares G. (2020). Cross-modal interactions as a strategy for sugar reduction in products targeted at children: Case study with vanilla milk desserts. Food Research International, 130, 108920.
Lima M., Ares G., Deliza R. (2019). Comparison of two sugar reduction strategies with children: Case study with grape nectars. Food Quality and Preference, 71, 163-167.
Antúnez L., Giménez A., Vidal L., Ares G. (2018). Partial replacement of NaCl with KCl in bread: Effect on sensory characteristics and consumer perception. Journal of Sensory Studies, 33, e12441.
Oliveira D., Galhardo J., Ares G., Cunha L.M., Deliza R. (2018). Sugar reduction in fruit nectars: Impact on consumers’ sensory and hedonic perception. Food Research International, 107, 371-377.
Lima M., Ares G., Deliza R. (2018). Children and adults’ sensory and hedonic perception of added sugar reduction in grape nectar. Journal of Sensory Studies, 33, e12317.
Antúnez L., Giménez A., Alcaire F., Vidal L., Ares G. (2017). Consumer perception of salt-reduced breads: Comparison of single and two-bites evaluation. Food Research International, 100, 254-259.
Alcaire F., Antúnez L., Vidal L., Giménez A., Ares G. (2017). Aroma-related cross-modal interactions for sugar reduction in milk desserts: Influence on consumer perception. Food Research International, 97, 45-50.
Yoo H.-J., Machín L., Arrúa A., Antúnez L., Vidal L., Giménez A., Curutchet M.R., Ares G. (2017). Children and adolescents’ attitudes towards sugar reduction in dairy products. Food Research International, 94, 108-114.
Antúnez L., Giménez A., Ares G. (2016). A consumer-based approach to salt reduction: Case study with bread. Food Research International, 90, 66-72.
Oliveira D., Reis F., Deliza R., Rosenthal A., Giménez A., Ares G. (2016). Difference thresholds for added sugar in chocolate-flavoured milk: Recommendations for gradual sugar reduction. Food Research International, 89, 448-453.
Oliveira D., Antúnez L., Giménez A., Castura J.C., Deliza R., Ares G. (2015). Sugar reduction in probiotic chocolate-flavored milk: Impact on dynamic sensory profile and liking. Food Research International, 75, 148-156.